Australia is getting ready to vote. This year, 17 million people nationwide are expected to head to the polls in order to decide the next steps in Australia’s future. Amongst these, a record number of nearly 450,000 young people and freshly-turned 18 year olds have enrolled, with some expecting to cast their vote for the first time.
With the amount of media coverage and widespread information about the election, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and confused, especially if you’re new to this.

This May, Empowered Together is taking a dive into the world of politics and keeping the conversation open about what this election season entails. Or, more simply, if you want to know more about the election but just don’t know where to begin.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Here we have carefully collated a list of resources that can help you make sense of everything politics.
Left Right Out Podcast
Left Right Out is a podcast that answers all your questions about Australian politics, from Australian policy towards Ukraine to which party is best for women to explaining what the federal budget is. Every week, hosts Elfy and Justine crack open a burning question sent in by one of their viewers, breaking down the important topics and explaining them in a short, digestible way. So, if you’re struggling to make sense of all this politics talk and looking for a quick fix, Left Right Out has your back. Check it out here.

Politics Explained (Easily)
Politics Explained (Easily) is a YouTube series produced by the ABC. With vibrant graphics and the dynamic narration of triple j’s Claudia Long, the series provides all the required information about how to vote, how Parliament is organised and the differences between the left and right. You can also find recaps about weekly political news stories up until 21 May. If you’re looking for more direction about the workings and purposes of this election, watch Politics Explained (Easily) via the ABC’s YouTube channel or triple j Hack’s Instagram.
Australia, If You’re Listening Podcast
The Australia, If You’re Listening podcast is a show focusing on the ways Australia’s politicians and leaders address climate change. In the 2022 Federal Election, climate change is an important discussion that has increasingly permeated Australia’s political sphere. Learn about topics like the history of climate change in Australia, coal mining and renewable energy. Listen to the show here.

triple j – Hack
Whether you listen live on their radio channel at 107.5FM or prefer to go at your own pace through their podcast, Hack is constantly offering updates about how young people are feeling about the election and politicians in the spotlight. Specifically, follow their election road trip across Australia and listen as they talk to young people about their thoughts, what issues matter to them and what might sway their votes. You can listen to every episode on Spotify or on their website.

The Daily Aus (social-news service)
Prefer to receive your daily dose of news in the form of social media? Want to have every story at your fingertips in your feed? The Daily Aus is perfect for young people wanting to join the conversation about the election, including sharing posts about differences in major party policies and explanations for common political terms. The Daily Aus also discusses issues that deeply resonate with young people, such as house prices and wages. You can follow them on Instagram and Twitter @TheDailyAus.
No Silly Questions Podcast
Additionally to their socials, The Daily Aus produce No Silly Questions, a podcast dedicated to helping young people decipher what’s currently on the cards at the politics table. Featuring extensive interviews with politicians and political experts and advocates, listen in to become more informed about topics such as the role of the government, the voting process and different federal policies. Episodes are also generally less than twenty minutes long, so if you’re busy or on the go, this podcast is perfect for you! Check the No Silly Questions podcast here.

Election Navigator: Youth Affairs Council Victoria
The Youth Affairs Council Victoria is a website that provides everything you need to know about the voting process, how the Australian Government is organised and ways you can learn more about how the election affects your community. Follow the drop-down menu box to read about the processes surrounding the election, such as easy-to-follow steps on how to fill out your ballot paper and answers to FAQs. You can also check out more about your local area and candidates. Visit the page here.
Vote Compass
Vote Compass is an interactive tool developed by political experts to help voting candidates explore what major parties align with their views. Simply enter your electorate and answer the questions about some of the key battleground issues at play in this election. It’s quick, easy and does the thinking for you! Click this link to find out more.

We are aiming to maintain the space for keeping political conversations going and finding ways to keep you informed. So, if you’re struggling to make sense of Australian politics and where to begin, these resources can help you set you on your way.